Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Yak Trax

The first time I tried these puppies I was in Idaho recovering from knee surgery. I was working my way off crutches in the middle of an icy wonderland. A friend let me borrow her yak trax and I was a new somewhat mobile woman. These things fit right over your shoe and are super easy to put on. They give you grip on ice and packed snow. I have my own pair and I use them all the time in the winter. In fact, even when it's icy I'm able to get my daily walk in. Use caution if you enter a store or a place with a flat surface. The very power that gives you grip on ice can give you slip on tile. I always remove mine. They fold up and are easy to travel with and they're definitely worth having especially if you have chronic klutziness.

You can buy them at a sport's store or online. The best are the brand name ones "Yak Trax".  Love them!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Biblical Cyclopedic Index

I was nerdishly excited to receive this book in the mail. While I certainly wouldn't define myself as a biblical scholar I am always looking for an easy book to better help me (and the kids I work with) navigate the Bible. I was pleasantly surprised to receive this book and find it to be such an easy size to handle. Most indexes are the size of a compact car. The Nelson's Biblical Cyclopedic Index fits easily in one hand, in your backpack, or even in your purse.

Beyond how it looks I found the index to be extremely functional. There are over 8000 listings in alphabetical order! Each one also includes scripture references. It's extremely user friendly and breaks things down into subheadings as well. You can literally find just about any word your heart desires in this little book and most words even include a small definition. A great tool for any pastor, student, layperson, or Christian. Definitely recommend!

Cute, functional, expansive, and helpful! Now if only I would have had this during my seminary days.....

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
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