In Dreaming of More for the Next Generation: Lifetime Faith Ignited by Family Ministry, Dr. Michelle Anthony, drawing from more than 25 years of family ministry experience, helps ministry leaders understand the “why” behind their ministry model and encourages them to focus on generational outcomes, reminding them that each person’s story is a part of a grand story that God is telling throughout history, providing practical examples of how to create space within a program to nurture individual faith and how to effectively partner with parents, supporting them as family spiritual leaders.
I am eating this book up because it so resonates with my heart and my passion. I also love reading books that affirm the natural God-given instincts I already have in me. I was doing family ministry long before that became a movement. Who knew, cutting-edge! :)
One of the reasons I particularly like this book is because it's not a curriculum or a program. Anthony takes very simple biblical truths and makes the reader think. She affirms what many of us are already doing but probably need to be encouraged to do more. Listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, reach beyond behavior modification, equip parents, and promote life transformation. The role of the Holy Spirit in our ministries is far too often overlooked. This is not a "doing" book but a seeking and listening book.
My ministry is already beginning to shift based on some very simple truths in this book. Anthony is an accomplished writer who walks with the Spirit. I look forward to devouring this book over and over again and recommending it to my mentees in ministry. Go buy this book but do it knowing full well it's going to challenge you, make you ask questions, and mostly help you slow down and listen.
I'll be tweeting quotes throughout the next few days so follow my tweets to see the nuggets I've pulled out.
Thanks to David C. Cook for giving me a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.